How Joining the Profit to Prosperity Membership Will Make You Richer

If you’ve been keeping up with Balanced By Stevie as of late, you’ve probably noticed how much we’ve been talking about the Profit to Prosperity Membership. You may have also wondered what the heck could be so great about what sounds like an accounting-adjacent membership that would compel us to be this jazzed about it. 

If you did indeed think that, I really don’t blame you. A lot of people are offering memberships these days, so what could possibly make this one so special? And, sure, at first glance, all things accounting adjacent aren’t exactly the sexiest… 

But that’s at first glance.

Shall we take a second glance and see if I can change your mind?

Hang with me.

First of all, the Profit to Prosperity Membership is so much more than ‘accounting adjacent’. What’s contained in the Profit to Prosperity Membership will train you to be the entirely capable, badass CFO your small business desperately needs in order to not only survive, but to thrive. (Think I’m exaggerating about that desperate need? I’m not. Click HERE to read about how a whopping 82% of small businesses fail within their first year because of poor money management. Yikes.)

And second of all, you know what is totally sexy? Confidence. Which you’ll have in excess when you feel financially competent as a female business owner. 

But how will we get there, you ask? 

Easy. By following the precise formula for small business CFO success that I’ve strategized just for you. It proceeds as follows, and even comes in a fun acrostic: ;)

I present to you, the POWER method.

First, we’ll


Before officially diving in, you’ll commit to your own small business CFO success by reserving just 30 minutes per week for Profit to Prosperity curriculum. The time you spend will pay off ten fold--you can count on that.

Second, we’ll look at


This portion of the Profit to Prosperity curriculum will include a general overview of the following three crucially important topics, and will help you establish a baseline understanding of them so you’re better prepared for a deeper dive into their depths later on.

  • Bookkeeping: What it is, why it matters, how it’s done, and what tools you need to do it efficiently and effectively (OR how to know if what your bookkeeper is doing is correct!);

  • Financial statements: How to understand the story being told about the health of your small business according to the figures they present; and

  • Cash flow management: How to keep more of the money you make, as well as how to make more positively impactful small business financial decisions.

Then, we’ll talk about


Basically, we’ll take the summary of what you’ll have learned by this point and compare what you know to what’s actually taking place within your small business. 

And don’t worry. The Profit to Prosperity Membership is a 100% judgment free zone. We won’t conduct this comparison in order to point and laugh at where you may have gotten it wrong. The point will be to, again, establish a baseline understanding so that you can know, realistically, what you’re working with here, and so that you can look back later and know how far you’ve come. And how satisfying will that be, right? But we all gotta start somewhere.

With that in mind, additionally, we’ll work on determining a couple of metrics specific to your small business, like

  1. What it actually costs to run your small business, and

  2. The individual values of your different types of income streams.

The combination of all of this information will help us run an accurate diagnostic of the financial health of your small business so that we’ll know how to confidently move toward improving its health.

Sounds good, right? Girl, we haven’t even gotten to the good stuff yet.

Up next, we’ll:


I’m not kidding. Small business financial competence directly results in greater profits. 

First, we’ll build a comprehensive budget completely unique to the needs of your small business and the story told by its financial statements (which you’ll know how to read at this point, by the way). 

We’ll cover cash flow forecasting, which is the art of not only managing the money you have right now, but also accurately projecting the amount of money you’ll have months down the road, plus making the right decisions in the meantime to keep that number going up. (Remember that scary stat about the 82% of small businesses that fail within their first year because of poor money management? Cash flow forecasting is what you focus on if you’d like to be a part of the other 18%.)

We’ll also discuss the nitty gritty, but wildly important, things like

  • How to know when you can afford to hire help;

  • If you do hire, whether to hire employees or contractors; and

  • How to know how much to ‘pay’ yourself as the small business owner.

And ultimately, we’ll examine the financial decisions, big or small, that you could make right now to increase your revenue. Basically, this is the section of curriculum where you get richer. That’s right; I said it.

And when all of that’s done, we’ll


Your new status as financially competent badass female CFO + small business owner will become your new lifestyle because you’ll officially have all the tools you need to manage and maintain the financial health of your small business through periodic checks and savvy decision making.


Now’s the time to join the Profit to Prosperity Membership, my friend.

Unlock the limitless power that comes with truly understanding your business finances. This is your opportunity to clarify, manage, and own the financial details surrounding your small business without having to rely on a team of financial experts, endless hours of Google searching, or an accounting degree. 

Invest in the financial future of your small business and invest in yourself by joining us today in the Profit to Prosperity Membership.

And, of course, always feel welcome to reach out with questions.


Get Your Small Business Finances In Order For Life: Gain Free Access To The Quickbooks Masterclass By Joining The Profit To Prosperity Membership


How to Master Your Money Mindset for Small Business Success